This is hands down the best method for cooking steak on the grill! Cooking over a lower temperature over indirect heat until you reach your desired internal temperature, then searing the steak over high direct heat for the perfect crust is a foolproof method if you follow these easy steps!
Use a kitchen scale to measure the steak in grams. Multiply the weight of the steak by 1.5% to get the amount of kosher salt. (ex. if your steak weighs 1000g, use 15g of kosher salt)
Pat the steak dry and salt on all sides with the kosher salt. Place the steak on a wire rack uncovered and leave it in the fridge overnight. Remove the steak from the fridge 1 hour before cooking to bring it to room temperature. Pat dry to remove any excess moisture.
Mix together ½ teaspoon kosher salt, black pepper, and the garlic powder. Drizzle the steak with neutral oil. Sprinkle the seasoning mixture all over the surface of the steak.
Add charcoal to ½ of the grill to create a zone for direct heat and indirect heat. Optional: add a piece of cherry or pecan wood at the base of the charcoal to add additional flavor to the steak. Light the charcoal so they are fully lit and the smoke runs clear out of the vents. Adjust the vents until the inside of the grill reaches 225-250F.
Add the steak to the indirect side of the grill. Set the probe thermometer to your desired internal temperature depending on how you prefer your steak cooked (refer to notes below). The target temperature should be 10°F less than the final desired temperature. This will take about 30-45 minutes depending on your grill temp and desired internal temp.
While the steak cooks over indirect heat, tie together the herb brush. Melt butter in a small saucepan over medium high heat and saute chopped garlic for 30 seconds. Add in the chopped herbs and turn off the heat to let steep.
Once the steak reaches the desired internal temperature, brush with the rosemary & thyme brush with the garlic herb butter on all sides.
Remove the probe and open all the vents to reach a grill temperature of 500-550°F (add more charcoal if necessary).
Sear the steak for 1 minute on one side, turning it 45° at the 30 second mark to achieve the cross pattern grill marks, if desired, basting the steak with the herb brush and garlic herb butter.
Cover the steak with foil and let the steak rest at least 15 minutes before slicing.
Restaurants season their steak with kosher salt equaling about 2% of their weight. I find that seasoning the steak with 1.5% of its weight in kosher salt and allowing it to absorb into the meat before cooking will ensure a seasoned steak throughout.
Creating an indirect and direct zone on the grill allows the internal temperature of the steak to cook on the indirect side without burning the exterior. Once the steak reaches your desired internal temperature, a hot and fast sear will get that restaurant style crust.
I recommend experimenting with different types of wood to add a smoky flavor to your steak. Apple, Cherry, Pecan, and Oak woods all bring a unique flavor to the grill. For red meats, I love using cherry or pecan woods.
For smaller steaks, you can use this same method, but since the steaks are thinner, give yourself extra wiggle room with the internal temperature. It will take some time to get a proper sear so you don’t want your steak to be overdone by the end.
Steak Pull Temps and Final Temps
When cooking steaks first over indirect heat, I recommend pulling the steaks onto the direct side for searing when they are 10°F less than where you want them to end. This will account for the internal temperature increase during searing each side for a minute each over very high direct heat. Please note: this is for steaks that are 1 1/2 to 2 inches thick. If your steaks are thinner than this, pull them at 15°F before your final internal temp.
Rare (cool red center): 120-125°F degrees; pull from indirect heat at 110°F
Medium rare (warm red center): 130-135°F degrees; pull from indirect heat at 120°F
Medium (warm pink center): 140-145°F degrees; pull from indirect heat at 130°F
Medium well (slightly pink center): 150-155°F degrees; pull from indirect heat at 140°F
Well done (no pink): 160°F+ degrees; pull from indirect heat at 150°F
Storage and Reheating
You can store any leftover Grilled Steak in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 3-4 days. Before storing in the fridge, slice any leftover pieces into thick, 2 inch slices. To reheat the steak, I suggest searing the pieces in a ripping hot pan on the stove in neutral oil or butter. The thickness of the individual steak pieces will allow for the middle to warm through without overcooking the steak all the way through (like mini steaks!)Alternatively, you can reheat the steak pieces in the air fryer or oven at 350F for 6-8 minutes until warmed through.